Can Coronavirus Transmitted by Pests
While COVID-19 may not be transmittable by pests, that is not to say that pests do not pose a significant health risk to the human population. There are many diseases that can be spread by pests that pose equal or greater threats to human health.
Can Cockroaches Influence Asthma and Allergies
Cockroaches are more than just an eyesore for your eyes as they scuttle across the kitchen floor in the middle of the night; they can also provoke or contribute to asthma and allergies. Knowing how these pests influence your symptoms and how you can prevent them from taking up residence with you will help you better protect your health in your home, and when to call pest control!
Americas Most Dangerous Ant
If you're dealing with a fire ant infestation, contact Saela for extermination. As fire ant queens can lay hundreds of eggs a day, swift action is important to prevent colony growth. Keep your family safe from the dangers of fire ants with professional fire ant control.
7 Winter Pest Control Tips to Stay Safe
The weather outside is changing and so should your Winter Pest Control strategy with these helpful tips. Dealing with pests in your home is never fun, but there are a few things you can do to reinforce your first line of defense. Following these tips will help your pest control efforts significantly.
3 Things You Might Be Trying That Wont Work
There are many DIY pest control tips that you can do around your home to keep the threat of large infestations low, but that doesn’t mean they’ll always work or that you won’t make mistakes.
We care more about eliminating your problems than getting a quick sale. We provide the highest-quality mosquito &
pest control service
at a great value.