Importance of Pest Identification
When it comes to pest management, many homeowners think that extermination is a simple process of spraying or fogging until all of the unwanted critters are dead and gone. In reality, the process is much more complicated as each pest responds to control products and techniques differently. This is one of the many reasons that you should never attempt DIY pest control.
We at Saela, an industry leading pest control and mosquito extermination company, believe that the most important (and often overlooked) step to effective pest control is pest identification. While there are plenty of companies that will come in and start spraying without doing any initial pest surveillance first, Saela is not one of them. Each of our locations has a Certified Associate Entomologist on staff for pest identification, product application techniques and process guidance. Before beginning any pest control program, we properly identify the problem pest in order to determine:
Is it dangerous or hazardous to health?
Venomous bites, disease spread and food contamination are the main dangers that pests present to you and your family. While rats, mice, mosquitoes and cockroaches are the obvious culprits, there are various other hazardous pests that are not so easily identifiable. That spider you saw scutter under your dresser could be harmless, or it could be a poisonous black widow. Correctly identifying the pest in question alerts you to the level of danger. And, as some pests are dangerous, we always advise homeowners to stay away and leave identification up to the professionals.
Is it likely to cause an infestation?
Most pests, once inside your home, will reproduce rapidly, leading to an infestation. If you’re unsure whether the strange insect you see marching across your kitchen floor is a lone intruder or simply the tip of an infestation iceberg, proper pest identification can help you get to the bottom of your pest problem.
Lifecycle habits
All pest species have their own unique lifecycle, mating and reproduction habits. While you may be highly uninterested in the life habits of the insects invading your home, this knowledge is actually extremely useful to the pest control professional who will service your home. Reproduction patterns and habits can affect the timing of treatments and the types of products used. Whether the pest lays eggs or not is also crucial to control. If the living pests are exterminated but the eggs left to hatch, the pest obviously has not been eliminated. The more knowledge you have about the pest, the easier it is to exterminate!
Products and control tactics
Finally, proper pest identification also tells pest control experts which products and techniques to use during their service. Traps are needed for some rodents, but useless for others. Misting systems are key to controlling mosquitoes, but different species may require different misting schedules.
Understanding the nuances in pest control is difficult, if not impossible, for the average homeowner. That’s why we always recommend going with a professional that will take the time to properly identify your pest, inspect your property and discuss follow up methods with you that you can take on your own to prevent future infestations.