Identifying Common Law Weeds

There are hundreds of different weeds that can stake their roots in your yard. It’s a lot to keep track of, but an important aspect of tending a healthy lawn. Every homeowner should have a fundamental understanding of the weeds you’re most likely to encounter. Basic lawn care becomes significantly more laborious and time consuming when weeds begin popping up, especially if you don’t know what weed you have in the first place. Reviewing a few quick facts will help you identify some of the most common lawn weeds.


Dandelions are probably the most recognizable weed you’ll come across. Their green leaves are lance-shaped and edged with “teeth” (serrated, irregular edges) but the bright yellow flowers that fade to form white puffs of seed heads are what really make dandelions stand out. They are also perennial plants and germinate year-round in most areas, meaning that once they’ve made a home in your lawn, they’ll keep coming back year after year in increasing numbers if they aren’t dealt with.


Crabgrass is one of the most difficult and undesirable weeds homeowners can discover in their lawns. Some weeds have a bright side of appealing flowers or features, but crabgrass can claim no such positives; its tough blue-green leaves spread thick in a jagged crab-like pattern, and they love to make their home in poor, sparse soil. This grassy weed is an eyesore in any lawn. Crabgrass is also particularly troublesome to treat as it grows low to the ground just below mowing height and thrives in the same conditions as your turf grass.

Wild Violets

Opinions on wild violets are hotly debated. Some people welcome their presence as charming wildflowers in their yards. They are certainly one of the more preferred weeds in terms of appearance, and if a homeowner finds them pleasing enough they may just decide to leave them alone. Many people, however, view wild violets as one of the worst weeds to acquire. Though their dainty flowers are pretty and unassuming, the plant itself is a particularly aggressive weed notorious for its stubbornness. They’re a surprising challenge to get rid of and will quickly invade a lawn if left unchecked. Many inexperienced homeowners, craving a uniform lawn and deciding to take on the task weed control, find themselves struggling to use commercial weed killers on wild violets without destroying the rest of their turf.

Ground Ivy/Creeping Charlie

Ground Ivy (also known as “Creeping Charlie”) is another weed with a reputation for being tough. In fact, many homeowners regard it as the most obstinate, difficult weed to get rid of because any small piece left behind can regrow into a whole new plant. Diligence is key when trying to clear away the round, scalloped leaves and small purple flowers. The one upside to ground ivy is its pleasant scent. Lawns with creeping Charlie will release a minty fragrance when you mow, which is a clear sign your turf has been breached by the weed.

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